The National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (NCCD) is a non-profit public institution approved by the State Commission Office of Public Sector Reform on November 3rd, 2009. It is affiliated with the National Health Commission. Accor...


Build a pro-innovation center for cardiovascular that is leading nationally and world-class.


Strive to transition from a clinical center to an academic medical center.

Strive to transfer the responsibility for the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases from hospital to community.


Conduct scientific research on cardiovascular diseases, and provide expertise and policy advisory support for the formulation of relevant laws and regulations, department rules, and technical specifications.

Assist in the formulation of national cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment program; Conduct research on the policies for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases; Compile guidelines, technical specifications and related standards for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases; Instruct and participate in the activities for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and health science literacy.

Establish a national population health surveillance system for cardiovascular disease and relevant environmental and behavioral risk factors, and conduct annual situation analysis; Compile report on prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in China; Estimate the prevalence and future trends of risk factors, disease burden, incidence, and death from cardiovascular diseases in China.

Build a national network for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, demonstrate and disseminate appropriate technologies and measures, and assist with the organization and implementation of policy research, testing, and clinical evaluation of preventive and treatment drugs for cardiovascular diseases; Discover effective management models for cardiovascular health services.

Educate on topics of basic, clinical, prevention, and management of cardiovascular diseases; Promote academic communications and forge international cooperations.